#412 Cover With His Life

Words and music by F. E. Belden, 1899 (1858-1945)



Look upon Jesus, sinless is He;

Father, impute His life unto me.

My life of scarlet, my sin and woe,

Cover with His life, whiter than snow.



Cover with His life, whiter than snow;

Fullness of His life then shall I know;

My life of scarlet, my sin and woe,

Cover with His life, whither than snow.


Deep are the wounds transgression has made;

Red are the stains; my soul is afraid.

O to be covered, Jesus, with Thee,

Safe from the law that now judgeth me!



Cover with His life, whiter than snow;

Fullness of His life then shall I know;

My life of scarlet, my sin and woe,

Cover with His life, whither than snow.


Longing the joy of pardon to know;

Jesus holds out a robe white as snow;

"Lord, I accept it! Leaving my own,

Gladly I wear Thy pure life alone."



Cover with His life, whiter than snow;

Fullness of His life then shall I know;

My life of scarlet, my sin and woe,

Cover with His life, whither than snow.


Reconciled by His death for my sin,

Justified by His life pure and clean,

Sanctified by obeying His word,

Glorified when returneth my Lord.



Cover with His life, whiter than snow;

Fullness of His life then shall I know;

My life of scarlet, my sin and woe,

Cover with His life, whither than snow.

     When he was eight years old, Belden’s family moved to California, where he first composed music. Due to breathing problems, Belden later moved to Colorado. He eventually returned to Battle Creek, Michigan, around age 30. He joined the Review and Herald Publishing Company, and stayed in Battle Creek until about 1910, when he began writing songs for evangelist Billy Sunday. Belden’s aunt was Ellen Harmon White, one of the pioneers of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Though Belden’s later years were marred by misunderstandings with the church leadership over his royalties, he did donate his papers and manuscripts to the church’s seminary at his death.